May 6, 2024
May Lunch & Learns

ECE Recruitment and Retention: Lessons from the NL ECE Survey
Wednesday, May 22 on Zoom
12-1pm Newfoundland/11:30-12:30 Labrador
This Lunch & Learn will review the results of a 2023 survey of over 500 Early Childhood Educators in Newfoundland and Labrador. The survey, commissioned by the NL Federation of Labour and the Jimmy Pratt Foundation, addresses compensation, working conditions and professional recognition. The results provide a clear roadmap for recruiting and retaining ECEs in our province.
This webinar will review the survey methodology, results, and recommendations. It will be of interest to childcare advocates, ECE sector organizations and policymakers.
The 2023 Early Childhood Education Report: How did Newfoundland and Labrador do?
Wednesday, May 29 on Zoom
12-1pm Newfoundland/11:30-12:30 Labrador
This Lunch & Learn will feature a presentation of the 2023 Early Childhood Education Report by one of the report authors, Dr. Emis Akbari. For over a decade, the ECE Report has been monitoring the quality, availability, and governance of ECE across Canada. The federal report is accompanied by profiles of each province and territory. 3 years into the federal-provincial agreements on ELCC, how does Newfoundland and Labrador stack up against other provinces? Where do we go from here?